Will a bad label hamper the sale of a wine? Does a weird color combination on a wine bottle turn off buyers easily? Graphic artists have been working on wine labels for quite some time now, and they know what works best.
Ask an occasional imbiber the kind of wine they prefer and you will get ‘umm’, ‘hmmm’, ‘well’ and all sort of vague and considered replies. While oenophiles may come up with spontaneous responses, the majority of us who are not oenophiles will resort to these vague responses. But, if asked what kind of label one prefers, you are guaranteed to get some surprising replies as if everyone holds a degree in graphic designing. From occasional drinkers to wine enthusiasts, almost everyone cares about the label of the wine they buy, regardless of how the wine tastes. The first impression is the last impression, and that’s why top selling wines have good labels.
Evolving Wine Labels: The Need of the Hour
A wine label is technically the first point of contact between a brand and a customer, so it should be reflective of what’s in the bottle and what separates it from other brands. An attractive wine label can make a good wine more desirable and bad wine salable. Making it on the market boils down to whether the label makes a positive or negative first impression. In recent past, a huge number of wine companies targeting millennials have entered the market, with wine labels and packaging designs that are more animated, modern, and artistic, as compared to the aesthetics of traditional designs. You can, however, still have a unique traditional label and work around it a little to make it attractive and eye-catching. For example, here are some of the coolest wine labels of all time.
- Antica Terra Pinot Noir Erratica- Rocks always look cool and so does this label.
2) Big Table Farm wines- Simplicity at its best!
3) The Tentacle- Red Wine: Tentacles all around the wine, definitely an eye-catching design.
4) Blackbird Vineyards Contrarian- Surely promises some dark and rich wine inside the bottle.
Growing Potential Customer Base
The young generation of drinkers represents a huge untapped customer base still in the phase of exploring wine options. The young generation ages 18-29 or 19-34, has been a driving force for changing wine label designs and styles. Wine companies around the globe realize the potential of this growing customer base, which is one of the reasons wine labels and packaging have to be more unique and eye-catching these days.
The Way Forward
As you can see, wine labels and packaging have not been immune to trends affecting other consumer goods. The need of the hour for wine companies is to take a leap forward with their labeling and packaging, and realize the potential in millennials’ growing buying power. Also, the growing recognition of the value and increasing influence of the internet on shaping consumer perceptions, wine companies are being compelled to change the way they brand themselves starting with their labels and packaging choices. Considering so many factors, it is important that a wine company creates labels and packaging that have synergy with their brands and target markets. If you are looking for a label printing company for wine labels in Texas, make sure you factor in the quality of it’s previous labels before signing on the dotted lines.